dating + relationships
There is a dynamic principle at work in the dating world nowadays, clashing and culminating in an ultimate battle between women of God and men of well, nothing...
Ever wonder if you should get in on the ground-floor of something that could be really great? Well, that doesn't just mean a business or job opportunity, because we're also applying this to relationships!
short stories
Sarah Claire Orr was always a pretty girl, who could command a room with one sideways glance of her demure features...
With the urging of Theresa, Claire began to grow accustomed to Fred’s differences and see him more as someone who lived upstairs...
Winter leisurely turned to the time before when everything happened. The automobile was to arrive that summer, the summer of 1921...
philosophy + theology
As a Christian, we have declared something intentional upon ourselves. We have branded our identity in something far above our own understanding by choosing to take Jesus’ teachings and apply them to our lives, allowing them to guide our behavior. There is an inherent responsibility to this unanswerable to more liberal, mainstream culture. We are responsible to Him.
I struggle with contentment. This has taken many forms throughout my life so far – indecisiveness, fear of commitment, overthinking, etc. I never do something if I can’t picture the fruition or outcome and I love plan B’s...
God’s presence is lived out through His people, most especially to those less fortunate. Prior to seminary, I felt mission was something you went on in order to be a good Christian.
Two years ago, while on a women’s retreat with my church, I sat in this garden on this same bench, writing pages and pages to God, communicating with HIm about my relationship, future, and life direction…it ended up being a pivotal weekend that neither my husband nor I will forget.